It’s perfectly normal to doubt whether travelling with a newborn is such a good idea. Accommodating to their nap and feeding times may seem like a challenge, when in fact - babies can be a joy to travel with. 

They are easy to take anywhere - you just tuck them in a carrier and do pretty much what you wish - take a nature walk, a tour around the city, visit a museum - all without worrying about additional entrance fees or restaurant seats. No matter the situation, they stay close to you. 

Whether you plan on taking an overseas or a road trip, pre-packing is the key. To embark on the newborn’s first journey stress-free, we will provide you with a list of essentials we advise you not to leave your home without. 


1. The right plane seat

First things first, something you can’t really pack but is still an essential point that needs to be taken care of before the trip. When you’re travelling with a newborn, you are not required to book a separate plane seat as you can get an appropriate restraint by the flight attendant to secure your baby during the flight. 


2. An adequate car seat

Naturally, a car seat is imperative for road trips. The only choice you have to make is which type will best accompany you on the baby’s first outing.

A convertible car seat is ideal if you don’t plan on taking it out of the vehicle - it stays securely installed in the car while you explore with your child in a carrier or a stroller. Another option is to get a baby capsule which can be easily removed from the car while your newborn is sound asleep. You can carry it around or affix on a stroller and turn into a pram. 


3. A lightweight stroller

Generally speaking, the perfect type of stroller is chosen based on your lifestyle and personal preferences. However, when you need to pack it into the boot of your car or an overhead compartment, you will want something portable and easy to manage. A lightweight umbrella stroller is the perfect piece of equipment, but only if you plan on taking a shorter trip. For longer adventures, a full-size 4-wheel stroller might be a better option. Even though they are heavier and bulkier, they will come in handy when your baby gets tired and needs to take a nap while you’re still out exploring. What is more, you will be able to push it on bumpier terrain.


4. Food

Not all locations offer the same baby food brands and if your little one is used to a certain formula - it is possible that they won’t like the different one you find, so be sure to pack up enough to get you through the trip. In case you are breastfeeding, you’ll want to take the pump with you, especially if your itinerary includes a lot of walking and you know you won’t always have a comfortable spot to feed the baby. 


5. Nappy bag and the essentials

Though their clothing pieces are tiny and you might think they won’t take up too much space, you’ll need to pack a bunch of extras. Spills and stains are inevitable on a trip, so you might want to steer away from onesies because they can be quite tricky to change on the go. If they are dressed in panties and shirts you can easily change only one or the other. 

Also be sure that you have enough nappies on you, as here we arrive at the same problem as with the food - you might not stumble upon a brand you usually purchase and end up browsing the aisles for the most similar nappy design (and still not be absolutely certain you’ve made the right decision). 

One more thing - always have a foldable changing pad with you so that you can quickly turn any adequate surface into a clean changing table. 


6. Entertainment

Whether they are restrained in a plane or a car, babies tend to get a bit fussy, which is why you’ll want to have their favourite toys on you at all times. These can even come in handy when you’re out in the open, exploring. Sightseeing can easily turn into a nightmare if your newborn can’t stop crying even after they’ve had their nap and are fed. A parent’s soothing voice and a familiar stuffed toy or a blanket might just do the trick. 


Bottom line

What usually upsets the baby on the trip is the lack of routine they are used to at home. Nevertheless, if you’re properly packed, it is possible to stick to the schedule as closely as possible.