Umbrella strollers got their name from the handle - which is curved, like an umbrella handle. They also fold up compactly and thus can resemble the good old rain cover! They are lightweight, easy to manoeuvre and perfect for traveling or short journeys. So why should you splurge and get one not only as a travel pram, but as a whole extra pram?

Have you ever resent on your pram when you're:

  • trying to lift it to and from the boot?
  • trying to get the seat clicked onto the base properly?
  • deciding to take the kids shopping and can't get down an aisle?
  • checking it in at the airport?
  • can't fit anything else into your car because it takes up all the space?

A lightweight stroller is perfect for all of the above scenarios. You can keep it in the car as your pram for out and about, you can travel long distances with it without it being a hassle and it’s such a good day pram. It doesn’t make your pram obsolete - it still probably doesn’t fully recline and if it has any bag space at all it’s going be limited. The shade covering isn’t going to be top notch and while it isn’t suitable for babies your toddler will probably outgrow it fairly quickly due its small size too. But most of this is combated by the general price point (cheap!) and it’s adaptability and suitability to sell on to the next family who needs a great small day pram. Plus, there are so many out there no that you can pick and choose one that may have all the extra likes a great canopy and adequate storage under the pram seat.

There are also some amazing lightweight/umbrella/compact/travel prams out there on the luxe end of the scale with all the bells and whistles so if you have the extra cash to spare your travel pram might just end up being your more everyday pram that is super easy to use. You can find a pram that is the typical umbrella style, that folds up into one long piece, or the tiny lightweight travel pram that can fit into a handbag. There are prams that have all of the trimmings a normal, heavier pram would have but they’re just made with a lighter plastic and can fit into a small car boot. There are also prams that can fit eight children in them, but that doesn’t mean you should buy one - so do your research! It’s fun! Life is too short to be saddle with a pram you resent.